
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Art Schools Students.

It has come to my attention that art schools are funny things. While most art schools are very similar to "normal" schools, the way the two are viewed could not be any more different. At parties, the moment you mention you go to/went to an art school, the attitude towards you changes drastically. You are suddenly a celebrity, for better or for worse. You are now "The Art Student," and you will forever be remembered as such by your company. You must put up with numerous, outlandish questions about the school and how it did or did not prepare you for the "real world." In my past experiences, I have found that women are infinitely more affected by the presence of an art school student in the room than men. To men, people are people and thus should be treated equally. But to women, all newcomers must be judged based on all available information, and art school students are no exception.

When women encounter a female art school student, they react in one of two ways:

A.) They welcome the newcomer with open arms, complimenting her artsy clothing, hair and makeup, saying things such as, "I would have never thought to wear [insert articles of clothing] together," "I would never have the guts to [insert edgy fashion trend]," and "I'm not artsy enough to [insert art form]." They accept the other women in hopes that the attention she brings in their company will help them to stand out, and that she will share her artsy wisdom with them, as well as introduce them into the local hipster scene.


B.) They will shun the newcomer in envy while mocking her artsy clothing, hair, and makeup, saying things such as, "Can you believe she would...?!" "I can't believe she'd have the guts to...!!!"

However, when females encounter the elusive male art school student, they react in only one way: They glom on the the poor fellow, anxious to be the first female to be seen with him, laughing at his quirky humor that they don't quite understand, claiming to listen the music they've never heard of, and saying things such as, "Really?? I thought I was the only one who was into [insert strange art form]," "I've always appreciated the work of [insert artist or band's name]," and "When I was younger, I was constantly [insert art form -ing]."

In life, we all encounter art school students. Though the thought of approaching one of these strange creatures may seem intimidating, there are a few pointers that will help you steer clear of any uncomfortable situations:

-Do not try to act indie.
-Do not assume that all art school students are hipsters.
-Do not dwell too much on the subject of art.
-Do not claim to be an artist.
-Do not bring up Green Day.
-Offer the art student food and Arizona Iced Tea.

And always remember; art school students are people, too.

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